The United Nations believes small businesses have the power to literally transform nations, and Australians are being urged to spend big wit…
Resolving disputes is set to become a whole lot easier for SMEs with today’s launch of Dispute Support, a government-backed online informa…
The shadow minister for small business, Bruce Billson, has raised concern over the future of the small business commissioner role after a de…
Complaints to the consumer watchdog about franchises have increased as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission increases its audi…
The NSW Government has introduced legislation to establish the state’s first small business commissioner as a statutory officer, more than a…
The business community has welcomed the appointment of former Victorian commissioner Mark Brennan as the country’s inaugural small business …
The Federal Government has named former Victorian small business commissioner Mark Brennan as the country’s inaugural federal Small Business…
State-based small business commissioners have urged the Federal Government to give its new small business commissioner genuine powers to sla…