In an effort to reduce the serious impact of late payments on SMEs, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman is launchi…
The banks’ treatment of small businesses will be “forensically examined” by the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman to weed…
US cereal giant Kellogg’s and New Zealand milk multinational Fonterra have put the squeeze on local suppliers by stretching their payment …
Yesterday Kate Carnell, the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, took on the fight against late payments for small business.
Australia’s small business business minister, Nationals MP Michael McCormack, was sworn into his new job at a ceremony in Canberra this mor…
More small businesses in the Australian Capital Territory will soon be exempt from paying payroll tax, with the ACT Government set to lift t…
A battle is brewing in the trucking industry over controversial rules originally set to come into effect today.
On Friday, the Federal Co…
Kate Carnell has commenced her role as Australia’s first Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman by telling the small business commun…
Kate Carnell, the former chief executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will serve as Australia’s first Small Busi…