Global shares have hit another rough patch recently. This started in mid-September, spread to Australian shares in mid-October and to Asian …
Global shares have hit another rough patch recently. This started in mid-September, spread to Australian shares in mid-October and to Asian …
China joined Europe and the US this year as a source of consternation for investors with growth slowing more than expected. This fuelled fea…
Since the GFC, excessive debt has been a source of volatility and constraint for various countries, notably the US and Europe. Initially…
The Australian economic outlook has clearly deteriorated. Recognising this, the RBA has resumed interest rate cuts. Our assessment remains t…
Back in May it seemed that the risk of a broad based break-up of the eurozone was high. Greece looked like electing a radical left wing anti…
A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that this is a terrible year for shares. Europe has continued to convulse, the US has seen …
The past week has brought much debate and consternation in Australia as to whether the mining boom that has supposedly propelled the economy…
For years we have had a two-speed global economy composed of constrained advanced countries offset by strong growth in the emerging world. T…
The uncertain investment environment and poor returns from shares since the GFC has seen the popularity of bank deposits surge while that of…
After several years of poor performance shares are good value, particularly against record low bond yields and low and falling cash rates. A…
After the surge in Australian house prices from the mid-1990s into last decade my view was that while the risks of a sharp fall back in hous…
There was one piece of great news last week. A new Mayan calendar find in Guatemala made no reference to the world ending this year. That’…