When you get into the higher echelons of Google ranking, there is very little difference between website quality once you’re on the first pa…
When you get into the higher echelons of Google ranking, there is very little difference between website quality once you’re on the first pa…
Last week, we looked at cleaning up the basics of a business website to get its SEO ship-shape. This week, we continue on that path and look…
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The aim of my small digital services business was to provide as much digital communications help (not I…
When I discovered hacking attempts on one of our servers last week, what we found upon investigation were even more hacking exploits on plat…
Nick Bell had just $400 in his bank account when he started his own search engine optimisation business from his bedroom seven years ago. He…
Going for the cheaper option when it comes to SEO might be appealing as a way of quickly cutting marketing costs, but it can come with a ve…
In many cases, bad SEO tactics can do more damage to a website than good – and many small business owners have been burned. If you’re lo…
It was the algorithm change tech experts labelled ‘Mobilegeddon’: the end to Google rankings as businesses knew them. But weeks after th…
Last week, I had a bunch of sites to choose from last week for the SEO audit. This week, I did an audit of the Girl Friday wedding planners …
Next week I’ll be at the PeSA Conference where I’ll be conducting SEO audits in 15 min blocks. Here is how I quickly assess a site for …
I’m in Sydney at CeBIT this week, which is a lot of fun. I could think of worse places to be than at conference immersed in full-on tech g…
Google has published a series of blog posts aimed at website owners defending the latest update to its search algorithms, while clearing up …