Queensland and Western Australian estate agent numbers have slumped as a consequence of a nationwide drop in transaction volumes and propert…
Queensland and Western Australian estate agent numbers have slumped as a consequence of a nationwide drop in transaction volumes and propert…
The glut of property sitting unsold on the market means 2012 buyers could find reduced prices in capital city markets given vendors face len…
The only certainty is uncertainty: chances are the Australian economy is headed for another topsy-turvy year. But for the nation’s small-…
This article first appeared September 1, 2011. The iPad has completely changed the personal computing world. But alongside the hundreds of …
Housing prices continued to fall in the September quarter but the decline was lower than expected and may be a sign the market is reaching i…
House prices fell by a seasonally adjusted 0.4% in August according to the latest figures from RP Data. It was the smallest decline since…
The iPad has completely changed the personal computing world. But alongside the hundreds of thousands of apps offered in Apple’s flagship ma…
Housing prices fell 0.2% in June to a median price of $462,500, according to the latest figures from RP Data, with prices also falling 2% ov…
Weekly rents have only increased by 2.9% across the country and by the same amount in capital cities during the past year, suggesting that f…
Home prices have continued to drop, with values falling 0.3% in May and 1.2% in the past three months, according to RP Data. The figures …
National house prices are continuing to stagnate, with the latest data from the RP Data-Rismark Home Values Index showing national prices fe…
The housing market continues to tread water, with the release of RP Data and Rismark figures showing prices didn’t grow at all during Februa…