Guarding her trade secrets, and a commitment to continually exciting her customers with new product, has helped Sam Wagner turn a little mar…

Guarding her trade secrets, and a commitment to continually exciting her customers with new product, has helped Sam Wagner turn a little mar…
Big US retailers are allowing sales staff to bargain with customers over product price in an attempt to get more consumers in the door.The N…
The retail industry wants a say in the plastic bag debate. Richard Evans, executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, is con…
The early timing of the Easter holiday this year is putting retailers under pressure as the hot weather turns consumers off their usual choc…
Retail supermarkets Coles and Woolworths are investing in the beer business. The two chains are spending up on marketing the brands they are…
The United States discount retailer Costco’s arrival in Australia has been delayed by planning regulation problems. Costco had planned …
Retailers have predicted that the chocolate Bilby will be the hit of Easter 2008. Australian consumers’ spending patterns are changing acc…
Australian sharemarkets have leapt 3% higher this morning following last night’s US Federal Reserve decision to cut rates there by 0.75%.T…
The propensity of men to spontaneously purchase expensive clothing items is making them a favourite target market for online fashion retaile…
The Queensland Retail Traders & Shopkeepers Association has established offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth and is relaunch…
The Australian Retailers Association has urged the Federal Government to take the lead in deregulating Easter trading hours across the natio…
Consumers have rushed to back independent retailers in the war of words over grocery prices currently being played out before the national…