The job of being a tenant should be simple, but as with all things that involve human beings, it often isn’t.
If every tenant knew the…
Living in a sharehouse is a rite of passage for many Australians, but for Sydney-based entrepreneur John Bush, the pain of chasing up housem…
By Jacqui Alexander, Monash University
Infrastructure in our cities – let’s call it the hardware – remains much the same as ever, …
The dream of owning your own “castle” has changed a little, with many first homebuyers today buying an investment property before they b…
Owning your own home may be a dream, but is it the best first move? Many first time buyers aren’t looking for a home to live in – instead…
With property prices in many capital cities hitting new highs, people are once again asking: “can property values keep rising? Have properti…
The ABS reported the results of their Housing and Mobility Conditions Survey last week and some of the findings are imperative for property …