Socialising at work is fine, but you need to know if and where to draw the line. POLLYANNA LENKIC By Pollyanna LenkicI had a chat to someo…
Socialising at work is fine, but you need to know if and where to draw the line. POLLYANNA LENKIC By Pollyanna LenkicI had a chat to someo…
Australian companies are poor in promoting local job opportunities overseas, according to a 17-country global survey conducted by internatio…
I’ve already talked about some year end tax planning issues, but it might be worth reminding SMEs of some of the tax deductions they may b…
Is it time to look from the outside in? Because credibility can make or break your business. POLLYANNA LENKIC By Pollyanna LenkicAbout six…
New data has shown a sharp increase in the number of skilled migrants coming into Australia since Labor took power in late 2007.According to…
It’s the end of the financial year and you want to make the numbers look good. Are you able to make that last ditch attempt to cut costs and…
If you haven’t yet learnt from your mistakes, maybe you can learn from mine. POLLYANNA LENKIC By Pollyanna LenkicI was pondering my blog…
Every retailer is under pressure to introduce paid maternity leave after Woolworths, Australia’s largest retailer and biggest employer, an…
Thinking you are too busy to plan ahead is a sure sign you are slipping from entrepreneurial to chaotic. Here are some more signals. POLLYAN…
Now that the alternative recruitment secret has been outed (social networking works), how many other ‘new age’ business solutions are wa…
Settling on a career, or even changing career mid-stream, does not have to mean personal upheaval – all you need is a plan. Finding t…
Australia’s leading entrepreneurs are brilliant at?selling and marketing and in creating the strategy that supports these key functions. A…