If you are not watching your cash and debt very, very carefully you will find the year tougher than it needs to be. We had a bad day las…
What separates high growth companies from the rest? What are the 10 key elements that separate high growth companies from everyone else…
Getting an equity investor is a big step, especially now. Here are some tips to make the task easier. GAIL GERONIMOS Getting an equity in…
Entrepreneurs struggling to get funding to grow their business should think very carefully before deciding to raise capital via an IPO (init…
Raising capital is not impossible, but there are some essentials you will need to have covered. This is the second part of my summary fo…
Giant online employment site Monster.com has returned for another go at the Australian marketplace, this time announcing a joint venture wit…
You will need to cover all of these pointers if you want to raise capital. I’ve put together the essential elements of a financi…
If you’re not doing this, you’re in trouble. I picked up these great “do’s and don’ts” that you must know about if you want…
Don’t think that there is no money around – there is. But the competition for it is intense. I was at a meeting last week and we …