The property market is gearing up for an important test next weekend, with a spike in auction numbers and a surge in the number of propertie…

The property market is gearing up for an important test next weekend, with a spike in auction numbers and a surge in the number of propertie…
The most recent demographic data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for September 2010 shows that nationally, population …
Sydney property developer Keith Johnson will place his development company Johnson Property Group into the hands of administrators in an att…
The outlook for residential property investors is likely to improve over the rest of 2011 after new RP Data statistics showed national rents…
Data released this morning by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows housing finance levels dropped 5.6% in February, a decade low for th…
The slowdown in the Perth property market has claimed two building companies within a week, with industry experts saying intense competition…
Australia’s continuing population growth has been big news in recent times, with talk of urban congestion and failing infrastructure that is…
Improving rental yields and changes allowing self-managed super funds to buy into residential property developments have increased the numbe…
The fledgling movement to start a “first home buyers strike” is unlikely to have any significant impact on Australian prices, real estate ex…
Debate has always been heated surrounding whether or not property prices will grow, fall, flat-line or do anything else. The interest in rea…
The housing market continues to tread water, with the release of RP Data and Rismark figures showing prices didn’t grow at all during Februa…
In one of my recent market commentaries I made some predictions for Australia’s property markets over 2011 and beyond. My first predict…