National house prices are continuing to stagnate, with the latest data from the RP Data-Rismark Home Values Index showing national prices fe…

National house prices are continuing to stagnate, with the latest data from the RP Data-Rismark Home Values Index showing national prices fe…
Victoria and Queensland were home to the fastest-growing cities in the 2010 financial year, as low interest rates and Government stimulus pu…
Australian housing prices continued their disappointing run in the March quarter, falling by 0.6%, but the result was better than expected a…
This may seem obvious, but I have to start with it… in order to create long-term wealth from property it will be important to know the typ…
A new report from St George Bank and property research firm RP Data has revealed 24 property hotspots around the country, with a clear focus…
The property industry has mixed views on the prospect of tinkering with negative gearing and introducing a new tax for investors with a larg…
With ever increasing media attention focused on our national property markets, sometimes it’s difficult to sort through all the information …
The Housing Industry Association of Australia says governments must do more to increase the land supply, after new figures revealed resident…
What’s happening on the Sunshine and Gold Coast apartment markets is a mirror image of what happened in the housing markets in the southern …
Property experts say Melbourne house prices are likely to fall in 2011, but have questioned new figures from the Real Estate Industry of Vic…
It seems almost nothing can diminish Australians’ love of property. While a new survey has highlighted increases in the proportion of A…
We live in interesting times don’t we? The media is once again obsessed with fear and gloom. Just open any paper or turn on the news and…