Sellers in prestige markets are beginning to look at alternative methods of selling as auctions are failing to deliver attractive prices, ac…

Sellers in prestige markets are beginning to look at alternative methods of selling as auctions are failing to deliver attractive prices, ac…
If you have to sell a house in large chunks of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane then you may have to discount it by more 10% over peak values….
Buying a house became a little easier during the March quarter as prices continued to fall due to rising interest rates, stock levels and wa…
If you’re looking to buy your next home or investment property, or even if you’re considering selling your property, a question you would be…
The building and construction industry warns developers are in trouble, with a lack of available credit forcing the number of abandoned proj…
While this weekend’s auction results remained largely in line with clearance rates from the past few months, the consistency of the figures …
Depending on how you look at the property market , now could well be a great time to buy. As the market slows, vendor discounting predi…
So far this year the Australian residential housing market is off to a poor start. House prices are down 2% or so, auction clearance rates a…
Since one of the primary drivers of property prices in where people choose to live I like to know where future population growth is likely t…
Business compliance costs could be reduced and more land would become available for construction quicker under new recommendations for zonin…
The bad news keeps coming for the Australian housing market. Yesterday, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the number o…
The Australian housing market is not experiencing a shortage and rising interest rates will keep a lid on any further price growth, one prop…