Around budget time each year, and whenever tax reform is discussed, property investors shudder at the thought of the abolition of negative g…

Around budget time each year, and whenever tax reform is discussed, property investors shudder at the thought of the abolition of negative g…
There’s little doubt that 2012 will be a year of economic crises around the world. But what is certain in these times of uncertainty is…
“I’m not going to invest in property in 2012! It’s going to be a year full of crises. “Just look what’s looming in Europe…
During the last week I’ve had a number of questions from the media and even more from clients asking me what’s going on in property and …
This year has already started out as a year of economic confusion and consternation. We all know the strength of our property markets …
If our economists are armed with all the research available in today’s information age, why can’t they agree on where our property marke…
Probably the biggest property myth of 2011 was the claim that Australia was in a “property bubble” that was about to burst. It was only a…
It looks like the Australian housing market will be a “tug-of-war” this year with low interest rates pulling hard on one end of the rope…
I predict that this is going to be a boom year! But before you start wondering what I’m “on” to make a comment like that, let me ex…
Why are some property investors able to grow significant wealth while others who have the same information, the same opportunities and the s…
This article first appeared February 16, 2011. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Labour Force statistics for January, released last week, …
This article first appeared May 18, 2011. Since one of the primary drivers of property prices in where people choose to live I like to know …