This year is turning out to be a good one for property. The cycle is moving on and, as growth returns to our property markets, memories of t…
This year is turning out to be a good one for property. The cycle is moving on and, as growth returns to our property markets, memories of t…
Last year may be a distant memory to some, but when I recently reviewed various newspaper headlines from 2012 it revealed that we were a som…
Now that we’re well into 2013, home buyers and investors who were looking to the property markets for direction are seeing positive signs an…
Is property still a good investment? The last few flat years in our property markets and concerns about the potential for future capital gro…
For much of last year the Australian housing markets were a “tug-of-war”, with low interest rates pulling hard on one end of the rope and po…
When you look at the facts, despite there being over one-and-a-half million property investors in Australia, most don’t own more than one or…
This month is special to me, I celebrate a big birthday. I won’t tell you how old I am, but it’s one of those birthdays with a zero in it. …
Over the years, I have discovered that successful investors do things in a certain way that helps them become rich, while others continue to…
At the beginning of the new year it’s customary for commentators to give forecasts for what’s ahead. Today I’m going to share 10 reasons…
Over the years I have seen many people think about getting rich, proclaiming affirmations, visualising and meditating – yet they don’t get…
With the year coming to an end, it’s interesting to look back and see how turbulent the last 12 months have been and how many crises we’ve s…
Australia has had a boom and gloom economy over the past year. On the one hand our economy still grew – unlike many others around the worl…