At the beginning of a New Year it’s customary for property commentators to give forecasts for what’s ahead. Today I’m going to share 1…

At the beginning of a New Year it’s customary for property commentators to give forecasts for what’s ahead. Today I’m going to share 1…
As the cycle moves on and our property markets boom, memories of the last few difficult years will slowly fade. However, it would be a pity …
Last weekend, Pam and I attended the wedding of a friend’s daughter and were seated next to a lovely couple we hadn’t met before. As we …
Property investment is certainly not rocket science and while you don’t have to be a genius to succeed in real estate, it never hurts to l…
With our property markets booming, in large part fuelled by property investors, once again negative gearing has come into question. Opponent…
I was having my hair cut the other day when Joseph my barber said, “Michael – I’m going to get into property investing and I’m going…
Open any weekend newspaper and you’ll see a large number of proposed new apartment projects being marketed before building has even been c…
We’re coming to the tail end of the year, so it’s traditionally time to look at what’s happened to property over 2013 and speculate wh…
Fact: Not all land is created equal. Some suburbs will be more popular than others, some areas will have more scarcity than others and o…
The UN has released its second annual World Happiness Report, which takes stock of happiness and well-being to help guide public policy. …
If you’re like me you were told from a very young age that if you want to succeed at something – be it sport, school or a musical instr…
As the cycle moves on and our property markets boom, memories of the last few difficult years will slowly fade. However, it would be a p…