You should always begin with the end in mind, in other words your desired outcome. Once your journey begins, it’s easy to get distracted a…

You should always begin with the end in mind, in other words your desired outcome. Once your journey begins, it’s easy to get distracted a…
The New South Wales New Home Grant Scheme was introduced in July 2012 to stimulate the construction of new homes and some 16,474 New Home S…
It is quite sad to see what gets promoted as ‘investment’ advice in the property space these days. This was again brought to my attention a …
Any move to scrap negative gearing would affect Australia’s “mum and dad” investors, according to research that shows just under 74% o…
The current tax treatment of investment property losses, through a combination of negative gearing and capital gains tax, has come under fir…
US demographer Harry Dent has been wandering around the country telling anyone who’ll listen to him that Australia’s real estate market …
I owe much of my financial security to real estate property investment. Having worked in real estate my whole life (well – since I was 15,…
This may seem obvious, but I have to start with it. In order to create long-term wealth from property it will be important to own the type o…
Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley has topped the list of suburbs with the highest proportion of rentals, with 70% of dwellings occupied by rente…
In a move that comes after Darrell Lea being placed into voluntary administration and closing 32 shops, Haigh’s Chocolate is opening a sec…
With 15,000 suburbs across the country, investors are spoilt for choice. Especially when – if you had two lots of $9.95 to spend – Au…
The five-bedroom contemporary Sydney Harbour home of Stephen Brown, the boss of the troubled 1st Fleet trucking company, and his wife, Corri…