Amendments to the franchising code may aim to provide greater protection, but it is certainly causing confusion for franchisors. The …

Amendments to the franchising code may aim to provide greater protection, but it is certainly causing confusion for franchisors. The …
As the economy slows, it’s tempting to cut the sales and marketing budget. A better idea is to reassess the strategy. Here are 30 common sa…
Despite the latest legal developments, the franchise sky is not falling in. News that the Franchise Council of Australia is seeking finan…
Past franchisees have a lot to offer the system – and changes to the code’s disclosure provisions may be the positive filip the model need…
SmartCompany is turning one-year-old. We have learnt a lot in our first year, and hope you have too. Here are 10 of the best lessons entrepr…
Not every business, and not every person, suits the franchising model – which is hard to explain to an enthusiastic entrepreneur. We …
With darkly laden clouds on the horizon, franchised businesses could be best placed to do well. A lot of economic reports in the media l…
Why do we do it? Each new year I ask myself this question, and every year a new lesson is added to my list. Happy new year to you all. I…
Regret that stupid picture of yourself on Facebook? Worried that a potential employer might find incriminating things about you on the web?�…
Dear Aunty B,
I run a medium sized company and we recently listed. The share price has wobbled around a bit and we were getting a lot of …
Tell us your best business tip and you could WIN one of five HP LaserJet P1006 printers! We’re giving one away every day this week.On Tuesda…
Bebo, one of the most popular social networking sites, has 40 million registered members. Founders Michael and Xochi Birch talk to JACQUI WA…