The business community has enthusiastically welcomed the idea of a $5 billion company tax cut under a Coalition government, but have all ask…
The business community has enthusiastically welcomed the idea of a $5 billion company tax cut under a Coalition government, but have all ask…
Business groups around the country rejoiced yesterday when Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ended the uncertainty surrounding the federal election …
Small business has overwhelmingly welcomed the announcement of a federal election on September 7, saying it brings an end to the uncertainty…
The small business community has spoken out against the Rudd government’s proposed levy on bank deposits, saying it will further erode con…
Smart companies should look beyond today’s negativity to see what is happening in the UK, US and European economies that are all are headi…
The government’s push to increase the tobacco excise tax by 12.5% may help bring the budget back into balance, but industry groups are con…
The shadow minister for small business, Bruce Billson, has once again attacked the federal government’s handling of the small business portf…
By this time next week we should know the date of the next election. But we may have a long wait to know if any of the parties has gained co…
In the next month we will have a flood of announcements including regional barriers to economic migration, education agreements and finally …
Small to medium businesses will be burdened with more administration obligations following Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s decision to abolish…
While newly re-crowned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has declared the Fair Work Act strikes a good balance for business, industry has rejected h…
Businesses have been warned to once again make sure they are following every step of the unfair dismissal procedure to the letter, following…