It’s something we all did as children, but the simple act of colouring in may be the key to reducing workplace stress and unlocking creati…

It’s something we all did as children, but the simple act of colouring in may be the key to reducing workplace stress and unlocking creati…
When someone says, writes or publishes something that is wrong, tainted, stupid, exaggerated, or an outright lie and you directly are involv…
There are lots of decisions you will make over the course of building your brand. Brand is, after all, the result of those decisions. This …
On Friday, a former Silicon Valley junior investing partner, Ellen Pao, lost a sex discrimination case against her employer Kleiner Perkins …
Dear Aunty B, I’ve started a small business in a niche of a niche and I have hired my first staff member. The staff member is basically al…
Australian employers lose billions of dollars each year due to staff turnover.
However, a great working environment can help counteract e…
Dear Aunty B, My business partner and I are in the middle of a debate and we have agreed that you will be the adjudicator. To sum it up, t…
“Keeping it real” is part of the ethos at retailer Cotton On Clothing retailer Cotton On has been forced to defend its directions to employe…
Dear Aunty B, I employ a manager who has a very forceful personality. If a staff member gets on the wrong side of her, she acts very coolly …
Dear Aunty B, What should I do about a woman who has just joined our team and is an absolute cow? She is an arrogant, nasty backbiter who h…
Dear Aunty B, I have two partners who have been with me since we started. We are also great mates and have worked really well together. Our …
We spend our working hours narrowly observing our managers, no wonder their very positive and especially negative points stand out so vividl…