The Fair Work Ombudsman today launched its Small Business Showcase, a range of digital resources that come together as a rule book for doing…

The Fair Work Ombudsman today launched its Small Business Showcase, a range of digital resources that come together as a rule book for doing…
Having an in-house HR resource can be a bit of a luxury for most SMEs. It’s often a cost (or as we like to think of it – an ‘investment’, …
We often get asked the question “What should we pay?” by employers who are looking to hire a new team member. Whether it’s for an existing r…
There’s been plenty of noise in the last few days about the difficulties employers are having paying staff the correct pay rates. Th…
Employers in the retail industry could be dealt another blow in light of a union push to introduce the adult wage at 18 years of age instead…
Sham contracting continues to plague cleaning, beauty and call-centre businesses, after a recent audit found almost a quarter are guilty of …
For anyone who wants to know whether they’re being paid enough, there’s an app that can calculate a person’s current worth in the work…
Employers are being urged to review their wage obligations, after the Fair Work Ombudsman revealed Australian workers were underpaid a whopp…
More than 80% of Australian SMEs will offer staff pay rises in the next 12 months to combat skills shortages, a new report reveals, while po…
The Federal Government has come under pressure to review Australia’s workplace laws, with a small business lobby group claiming that SMEs …
Red tape has been a perennial bugbear of small businesses. Start-ups are often unprepared for the blizzard of regulations they have to deal …
It’s been that revealed one in four takeaway businesses in Queensland are guilty of underpaying its workers, prompting the Fair Work Ombud…