How businesses can use executive job-sharing to attract part-time women leaders
Data from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency shows only 7% of managers and 3% of CEOs are working part-time. With more than 80% of those part-time workers being women, it’s time we reconsider more flexible options for women leaders, including job-sharing.
The Christmas hiring rush disappeared in 2022, SEEK says, as annual report reveals trends from a tumultuous year
Employer appetite for full-time workers is so strong that non-permanent Christmas job listings have failed to meaningfully boost hiring numbers, SEEK says.
Why we need to change our assumptions about part-time work
Part-time work has the potential to change lives. Done well, it can drive hugely positive outcomes for individuals, families, workplaces and society. Yet most people and organisations don’t realise its power.
The full-time fallacy: Why Laura Prael’s business will always run four days a week
"Spending time on your hobbies awakens your creativity, provides you with fresh perspectives and boosts confidence to solve problems."
With a return to the office on the cards for many, what are the upsides and downfalls of a hybrid working model?
Hybrid workplaces allow employees to enjoy the flexibility of designated remote working days alongside alternating face-to-face interactions.
Will the government’s new casual loading offset provisions prevent double-dipping?
These casual loading offset provisions reduce an employer's liability to pay permanent employment entitlements where a worker is mischaracterised.
A silver lining of the pandemic is a “mainstreaming” of flexible work, says Dicker Data CFO Mary Stojcevski
Dicker Data's Mary Stojcevski is confident the widespread adoption of flexible work will increase women’s participation in tech.
Most of the 111,000 net new jobs created in August were in the gig economy: Is this a sign of what’s to come?
Nationally, the jobs market is proving resilient, largely thanks to JobKeeper and JobSeeker, and the gig economy.
How to make your staff feel valued, whether they work four or 40 hours a week
Australian employers too often think about workplace culture only in relation to full-time employees. It's time to consider shift workers as well.
“Very sorry”: Some part-time Bunnings workers have been underpaid since 2011
Bunnings reveals a payroll error resulted in some part-time workers receiving incorrect superannuation payments for eight years.
Millions of baby boomers will retire by 2029 — and employers should offer these roles to part-time working mums
Did you hear? An exodus of baby boomers retiring from the workforce could cause some sleepless nights for hiring managers.
“Endless job insecurity”: Labor to enshrine casual conversion into law if elected
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten wants to enshrine casual conversion rights into law in a bid to help boost wages growth if elected.