The mining boom is far from over and will reach its peak in two years, according to a report by economic analysts BIS Shrapnel. Frank Gel…

The mining boom is far from over and will reach its peak in two years, according to a report by economic analysts BIS Shrapnel. Frank Gel…
Martin Ferguson may have been premature in declaring the resources boom over but there is no doubt it is shifting into a different phase n…
The South Australian Premier has warned BHP Billiton’s decision to cancel its $30 billion Olympic Dam mine expansion project may cause local…
That’s the big question Australia’s political leaders need to ask themselves. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has been waiting for a sy…
The decision by BHP Billiton to cancel its $30 billion Olympic Dam mine expansion project is likely to have direct repercussions for the reg…
BHP Billiton has been signalling for months that the cluster of mega-projects it had in its pipeline were going to be out on the shelf for a…
The chairmen of the three biggest mining companies operating in Australia – BHP’s Jacques Nasser, Rio Tinto’s Jan du Plessis and Xstrata’s…