Once upon a time the retail world in Australia seemed to revolve around a handful of key players.
Coles vs Woolies, Harvey Norman vs. The…
Once upon a time the retail world in Australia seemed to revolve around a handful of key players.
Coles vs Woolies, Harvey Norman vs. The…
Describing what you care about without descending into hyperbole is hard because fear sits underneath the words people use. Fear that my thi…
All the things on the list below, and the thousands of others I haven’t included, are things you need to work on if you want a robust, res…
The idea for this blog took shape during a catch up chat with my friend last week in Perth. We were talking about a recent discussion of his…
Cruising through my LinkedIn feed last week, a post caught my eye asserting customers now have their own brands that need catering to. I sho…
The things I read always feed my thinking. In turn, it produces different ways to approach the necessary work to achieve a brand result peop…
During a conversation with a new acquaintance, our talk turned to values, actively using them in the organisation and why it’s time to fre…
As more of our interactions become digital, the desire to translate them into a relationship is creating a faux familiarity that bugs me.
Identity is a foundation of a brand, and so the identities of the people who work at the organisation and who make the promises and deliver …
I’m a fan of businesses; they mostly do a good job. However, sometimes the stuff they do makes me sit back and say, “what are they think…
Last week I suggested that employee engagement is a volunteer activity. So what are some things you can do to encourage your employees? Or i…
The research on engaged employees is clear. They are happier, more productive, stay with the organisation longer and perform better across a…