Practice what you preach: Do your habits align with your organisation’s identity?
If you want a different brand result, a place to start is the whats and hows of your everyday actions and decisions — your habits.
Culture grows the way you feed it
Can you even change a culture? Evidence suggests it is an uphill battle at best, but thinking about what you feed it is a good place to start.
From purpose to values: Six ideas to set the stage for your brand in 2019
Prepare for a bigger and better 2019 by revisiting six evergreen ideas from this year that will help shape your brand in the future.
An organisation’s core values erode with time
While incremental attrition of time is kryptonite for an organisation’s core values, conscious effort and habits are the sun.
Unless you have explicit permission, your email is spam
It’s easy to erode your brand result with email. To avoid it, remember unless you have my explicit permission, it is spam.
What a poem can teach us about brand
Poet and philosopher David Whyte’s work “Start Close In” is a poetic instruction manual for organisations trying to achieve their brand.
Achieving brand starts with deep work
Organisations lean towards "increasingly visible busyness because they lack a better way to demonstrate their value" and understanding on achieving brand.
In experience design, when everything is a priority, nothing is
All the experience design in the world will not help you keep promises if you’re not wired with the necessary will, skills, resources and mindset.
To change the culture you’ve got to change the people
If you want to shift a culture, you can either help your employees change the way they think, or fire everyone and hire different people.
It’s the organisation, stupid
"A pet peeve of mine is when people talk about things 'the brand' does. The organisation and the brand are related, but they are different."
A formula for achieving your brand result
An organisation’s brand is a result. But what are the elements that contribute to the achievement and how do they relate to each other?
Uber’s shiny object: Why a new logo won’t fix a rot beneath the surface
The problem with rebranding is unless you first clean up what’s underneath, it won’t last, and it will be a matter of time before the rot resurfaces.