I was interested to read that in the past year Australia added about 38,000 new millionaires to its population of high-net-worth individuals…

I was interested to read that in the past year Australia added about 38,000 new millionaires to its population of high-net-worth individuals…
Recently, one of my children, who have suddenly taken an interest in property, asked me: “Dad, you’ve been investing for a long time. If…
US demographer Harry Dent has been wandering around the country telling anyone who’ll listen to him that Australia’s real estate market …
It is not uncommon for a group of people to entertain the idea of pooling their resources in order to increase their buying power and spread…
At the beginning of a New Year it’s customary for property commentators to give forecasts for what’s ahead. Today I’m going to share 1…
As the cycle moves on and our property markets boom, memories of the last few difficult years will slowly fade. However, it would be a pity …
I recently read an article suggesting that financial planners often recommend that, based on current average annual returns, a couple would …
With 2013 coming to an end, it’s interesting to look back over the last 12 months and see how many crises we survived and how many of the …
Last weekend, Pam and I attended the wedding of a friend’s daughter and were seated next to a lovely couple we hadn’t met before. As we …
Property investment is certainly not rocket science and while you don’t have to be a genius to succeed in real estate, it never hurts to l…
With our property markets booming, in large part fuelled by property investors, once again negative gearing has come into question. Opponent…
I was having my hair cut the other day when Joseph my barber said, “Michael – I’m going to get into property investing and I’m going…