Whether it’s the home you live in or an investment property, selling a house is a substantial transaction that is worth hundreds of thousa…

Whether it’s the home you live in or an investment property, selling a house is a substantial transaction that is worth hundreds of thousa…
The evidence is overwhelming that we know much less than we think we do about property markets, even when we’re armed with all the data and …
Here is my first prediction for 2016… Most predictions will be wrong! How do I know? Because they always are. Twelve months ago no one …
Boy, was 2015 an interesting year in property – starting with a bang and finishing with a whimper. It will go down in history as the ye…
We all want to buy our house or our next investment property at the lowest price possible, or at least get good value for our money. You …
There’s a debate raging at present – some say the future for property is bright while others suggest our markets are set to crash. Af…
I was recently rung by a journalist from one of the major daily news sites asking me for my predictions on the property hotspots for 2016…
Houses are unaffordable aren’t they? Just open any paper and you’ll read how hard it is to get a foot up the property ladder these da…
In my experience the two big things most property investors fail to do are: Have a formulated property investment strategy Regularly rev…
Last week Westpac announced it’s raising its variable mortgage rates on home loans and if history repeats itself, and it most likely wi…
Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it. In fact, some of us love to change and others fear it. Why is change difficult for man…
Australia’s economy was sheltered from the worst of 2008’s infamous Global Financial Crisis by a fortuitously timed resources boom, s…