It’s the middle of October and exactly the time of year when we’re all muttering “where has the year gone?” while looking quizzicall…
It’s the middle of October and exactly the time of year when we’re all muttering “where has the year gone?” while looking quizzicall…
Who takes the minutes at your meetings? {qtube vid:=jNKjShmHw7s} If you’ve got a funny video to share with our community, send it to f…
Every entrepreneur knows the feeling – you’re on holidays, but you’re keen to ensure that the weekly meeting runs smoothly. Perhaps record…
One of the best aspects of my work is that I get to see the warts-and-all inside of many businesses. It also gives me the opportunity to di…
I was given “constructive” feedback about the way I facilitate meetings – and while I know it is reasonable to get this kind of feedback, an…