Is Google changing how we think? The jury is out, but the evidence is piling up. MICHEL HOGAN By Michel HoganWhen hiring for my old company…

Is Google changing how we think? The jury is out, but the evidence is piling up. MICHEL HOGAN By Michel HoganWhen hiring for my old company…
Many companies underestimate the power of online forums as a branding, marketing and communications tool. Here’s how Australia’s best forums…
More than half of Australian voters say they would be concerned if the Federal Government pushed the budget into deficit, Newspoll reveals t…
Despite the number of parents telling their teenagers to get off the computer, a new study shows it may actually be doing them good.In new r…
Are we there yet? After the Australian sharemarket hit its lowest point since December 2003, the chorus of investors wondering when the mark…
A member of German Parliament who obtained a court order blocking Wikipedia for two days has apologised for overreacting.Lutz Heilmann, memb…
Google’s new voice-recognition search tool for the iPhone has just one problem – it doesn’t recognise Australians.Australian users hav…
Web-based application developer GeekIT moved its focus to match its market, and hasn’t looked back. PATRICK STAFFORD finds that founder Ma…
Link to others to get traffic, but be warned! CHRIS THOMAS By Chris ThomasYesterday I had one of those embarrassing moments most of us hav…
Major property projects are being scrapped; and high rise towers in Queensland have been among the first to go. Now those obvious targets ar…
Retailers remain confident consumers will open their wallets this Christmas, with 43% of retailers declaring they expect to better or equal …
As the world slips into recession, it is also on the brink of a synthetic collateralised debt obligation (CDO) cataclysm that could actually…