A new report from internet giant Google claims fake anti-virus software is on the rise and accounts for a massive 15% of all malware inciden…

A new report from internet giant Google claims fake anti-virus software is on the rise and accounts for a massive 15% of all malware inciden…
Microsoft says businesses should continue to remain vigilant in protecting their computers against malware attacks and unwanted software, de…
A few days ago I received an email boasting how the message had been scanned by a popular free antivirus program. No big deal, except it…
The internet bad guys never take a break (because they don’t deserve one). Here’s what you need to do before heading off. PAUL WALLBANK …
The amount of malware – “malicious software” – removed from Australian computers has grown by 55% in the first half of 2008, Microso…
Many shoppers prefer to stay online this Christmas, rather than deal with crowded shopping centres. But for those customers wanting to remai…
Internet surfers, beware. Security researchers believe 24 November will see a spike in the use of malware – vicious software used to harm …
Despite Google’s unofficial “do no evil” motto, the search engine giant has managed to let a known malware site slip past its security…
A new survey reveals almost 80% of local companies have experienced data breaches in the past five years, with 40% recording between six and…
I decided to have a look at some of the rubbish in my spam folder… there are some pretty nasty traps for the unwary. Don’t be one of the…
There are new, and growing, online security threats to your business. MIKE PRESTON runs through how to avoid them. By Mike PrestonThere are…
Small businesses are being targeted by sophisticated fraudsters using techniques such as false invoicing to fool victims into sending money,…