SMEs are usually faced with a conundrum when it comes to the business of number-crunching. Are the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant…

SMEs are usually faced with a conundrum when it comes to the business of number-crunching. Are the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant…
Is sales training worth the bother? Not if sales management is not up to it. What impact does attending a sales training program have on…
A new way to make TV advertising on the cheapTelevision advertising is expensive. Too expensive for most SMEs, but it reaches mass audiences…
Sometimes you can make more money by cutting your charges. How does that work? Let’s do the maths. I had an interesting experien…
When disaster threatened, it was Six Sigma to the rescue. Thanks, Six Sigma. Conference call: problem solvedA few weeks ago I received a d…
Last time I hired a scooter, I didn’t pay a deposit or show ID. Was the owner mad or has he worked out what’s worth worrying about? Fe…
Taking a business from startup to medium company means setting and updating policies and procedures. Hear top entrepreneurs give their thoug…
Want to attract big investment dollars to your business? ED PRENDERGAST tells what investment fund managers are looking for. I’m the chie…
Having trouble managing your time? So am I, but here are some tricks I’ve learnt to make life a little easier. Reclaiming your timeI’ve j…
Ripe plums, rising rivers and white coats feature prominently in the forecast for trends in 2007. Recently I talked to the Internat…
Don’t like your first life? Take a new name, a new face and step into the virtual world of Second Life. Out of the real world, into the…
Quick business wisdom“An entrepreneur is somebody who steals office supplies from home and brings them into work.”That’s just one of t…