When you’re the CEO it’s hard to get an insight into your leadership style. You are (hopefully) giving regular useful feedback to your empl…

When you’re the CEO it’s hard to get an insight into your leadership style. You are (hopefully) giving regular useful feedback to your empl…
A study of Australian workers has found nearly half rate the ability to motivate and inspire as the single most important attribute they loo…
Stock markets are gyrating, consumer and business confidence have tumbled, industries like retailing are being hit by seismic structural cha…
How ironic. On the back page of a national newspaper there is a story about people over 50 being deemed too old by recruiters to recommend f…
As Michael Scott (Steve Carell) declares bankruptcy, a helpful co-worker explains “it doesn’t really mean anything”. {qtube vid:=hiCilT…
Dear Aunty B, I have just been told in a performance management interview that I am a very poor manager. I was told by this delightf…
Today, I heard Gail Kelly, CEO of Westpac, speak at a Westpac Women’s Luncheon, hosted by Larke Riemer, Head of Women’s Markets. …
Dear Aunty B, I have been running a team of three from my lounge room for the last few years and we are taking the big step of moving into…
It seems that lately I am being approached by many people who are asking a similar question, “How did you do it?” Obviously I write this blo…
For many start-ups, a lack of leadership talent is often cited as an impediment to the growth of the business. W…
Can leadership be taught or is it innate? I’ve never really been a leader at work and I wonder if it’s worth doing a course or getting a…
Several years ago, popular business books trumpeted the importance of focusing your company by choosing a distinct business model. One bes…