Struggling for space in your office? Perhaps not as much as Mitchell and Webb. {qtube vid:=xWPkWJsSWMI} If you’ve got a funny video to…
Struggling for space in your office? Perhaps not as much as Mitchell and Webb. {qtube vid:=xWPkWJsSWMI} If you’ve got a funny video to…
Dear Aunty B, I have been running my own business for eight years and I loved it until about six years ago. What happened then is …
After a few years we believe it’s time for change. The Futurist will head over to LeadingCompany to catch up with SmartCompany graduates t…
Warren Buffett’s diagnosis of prostate cancer has made world headlines – signalling some of the leadership issues he faces as he attempts …
Failure rates for early-stage ventures are reasonably high, but most fail because they lack the fundamentals of a good business. This includ…
Building a business from the ground up is like building a house on a vacant block of land. Get the plans right, get them “approved”…
BHP Billiton has a world-class CEO in Marius Kloppers, according to a list of the world’s 30 best CEOs compiled by an American busine…
A pervading sense of loneliness and isolation is the price of success for many executives. Fifty percent of American chief executives ex…
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s authority has been forged in the fires of the challenge to her leadership by former foreign minister Ke…
I was forwarded a news article this week about Facebook’s number two leader: Sheryl Sandberg. She had been at the World Economic Forum in Da…
Currently shuffling your office layout? What about a quad desk? {qtube vid:=O8c5n3mlLGI} If you’ve got a funny video to share with our…
I don’t speak a word of Italian. But there is something grimly fascinating listening to the dialogue and reading the transcripts of the Ital…