More than half of Australian SMEs have more than $10,000 in outstanding debt on their books and experts say a failure to move quickly to rec…

More than half of Australian SMEs have more than $10,000 in outstanding debt on their books and experts say a failure to move quickly to rec…
Supermarket giant Coles says it will introduce a 14-day payment time policy for small suppliers that provide up to $1 million in merchan…
Victorian small business minister Philip Dalidakis says he is working “tirelessly” to address the growing problem of late payments to SMEs a…
Sixty percent of invoices are paid late, a recent global study conducted by MarketInvoice found. Furthermore, of the 80 countries surveyed, …
In an effort to reduce the serious impact of late payments on SMEs, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman is launchi…
Sometimes a client will take so long to pay their bills that a business owner has no choice but to knock on the door and ask for the money �…
Michael West recently wrote a great article on payment terms. The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) is onto…
Yesterday Kate Carnell, the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, took on the fight against late payments for small business.
How far have you gone to recover an unpaid debt?
This Canadian building engineer resorted to camping outside his client’s office until th…