The federal Labor Party will grant small businesses a tax cut of up to $20,000 as a “reward” for creating new jobs if the party is elect…

The federal Labor Party will grant small businesses a tax cut of up to $20,000 as a “reward” for creating new jobs if the party is elect…
The federal opposition has put forward its amendments to the government’s controversial equity crowdfunding legislation with the aim of re…
A Labor government would expand the National Employment Standards to include five days of paid domestic and family violence leave, Oppositio…
Labor has committed to establishing an advisory board for entrepreneurial issues as part of a series of commitments on startups and innovati…
The ANZ Bank has rejected the Coalition’s changes to the Future of Financial Advice regime, with a newly published submission to the Senat…
I’ve been asked by a number of people what my “brand” take on the Labor Party shenanigans is. I’ll start by saying I’m an interested obse…
Opposition leader Tony Abbott has renewed his pledge to repeal the carbon tax, which passed through the House of Representatives yesterday, …
Labor’s new R&D Tax Credit was passed through the Senate yesterday with amendments brokered by the Greens, including a quarterly payme…
WA Liberal MP Peter Abetz is relying on the Labor party to see his franchise bill become a reality, after it passed the second reading in St…
The Coalition has vowed to block Labor’s $10 billion green energy fund if it is elected to government, saying it refuses to take on govern…
The Opposition has reacted furiously after a Labor MP claimed the now-defunct Entrepreneurs’ Tax Offset encouraged businesses to ignore ma…
Finance Minister Penny Wong has dismissed Tony Abbott’s budget reply as uninformative and negative, but a small business lobbyist says the…