Start-ups looking to raise funds via crowdfunding have been urged to ensure they have a working prototype, after a Kickstarter-backed gaming…

Start-ups looking to raise funds via crowdfunding have been urged to ensure they have a working prototype, after a Kickstarter-backed gaming…
Start-ups have an opportunity to learn the secrets of successful crowdfunding campaigns at an event next month, as the method grows in popul…
US-based crowdfunding platform GoFundMe is looking to accelerate its growth with a new partner program, amid reports it is currently raising…
A US start-up accused of intellectual property infringement says it was kicked off Kickstarter just 10 hours before its campaign was due to …
Australian start-up LIFX has smashed its $100,000 funding goal three days into its Kickstarter campaign, having already raised more than $50…
The crowdfunding industry has spoken out against a statement made by the corporate regulator yesterday, which warned the operators of crowdf…
In the hands of bureaucrats, the press release can be a rather blunt instrument. ASIC’s missive on crowdfunding is a perfect example. T…
Android-based console start-up Ouya has completed its crowdsourced fundraising round on Kickstarter after securing over $US8.6 million in fu…
Sydney-born entrepreneur John van den Nieuwenhuizen has big plans for his Apple-inspired start-up Hidden, which is on the cusp of raising $1…
Startmate participant Ninja Blocks will return to Australia with very full pockets after securing $1 million from a group of high-profile in…
Peter Dering started a Kickstarter campaign last year to get some funding for a gadget he had created – a clip that allows you to attach a…
A California-based start-up called Pebble has smashed its goal of raising $100,000 on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, raising more than $…