Intoll Group shares have surged 31% this morning after the Canada Pension Investment Board announced a $3.5 billion takeover offer for the c…
Intoll Group shares have surged 31% this morning after the Canada Pension Investment Board announced a $3.5 billion takeover offer for the c…
To those who live in the poplar-lined environs of The Hill, an election is all about democracy having its day. All fine and good. The troubl…
Tony Abbott might be getting most publicity on the mining tax and refugees but he has announced a policy to protect independent contractors …
Prime Minister Julia Confirmed yesterday confirmed the Government will continue to support plans for a mandatory internet filter, disappoint…
The Canberra political commentators keep saying Julia Gillard has three items on her agenda before calling an election – slashing the mini…
Apparently we can cut the resource rent tax rate from 40 to 22.5%, more than double the profit threshold above which it cuts in and reduce t…
Julia Gillard’s political nous was clearly on display again this morning when she announced her compromise deal with the mining industry ove…
Clarke and Dawe score the “first” interview with our new fire-engine-red-headed PM, Julia Gillard. {qtube vid:=iqHxkD5_obs} If you’ve…
Now that Julia is in the final stages of clearing the decks for her drive back to see the GG, all attention will now turn on the very indepe…
After last week’s convulsive expulsion of Kevin Rudd, Canberra is now settling back into its normal routines. The common wisdom in the natio…
The mining industry has scored a major victory in the battle with the Government over the Resources Super Profits Tax, with the Government c…
Despite a late US Dow index rally, last night was among the more serious sharemarket falls we have experienced since global financial crisis…