ATO clarifies GST turnover calculations in latest update to JobKeeper guidance
The ATO has updated its Jobkeeper guidance for businesses with some clarity about GST turnover calculations. Here's what you need to know.
ATO clarifies whether businesses should include government grant income in JobKeeper eligibility test
The ATO has issued a statement clarifying how businesses should consider government grant income for the purposes of applying for the JobKeeper wage subsidies.
“A life-or-death moment”: As pre-revenue startups fall through the JobKeeper cracks, how will they survive COVID-19?
The ATO has decided not to provide an alternative test to make pre-revenue startups eligible for the federal government’s JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme. So what can these companies do instead?
ATO extends JobKeeper deadline for April amid concern businesses are struggling to front wage bills
The ATO has given businesses more time to pay their April wages before enrolling in the JobKeeper wage subsidies scheme, as the Treasurer changes the rules.
JobKeeper Q&A: Struggling to convince casuals to take shifts? Here’s what the law says
JobKeeper applications are open and questions abound. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked queries in our inboxes.
Banks to offer “bridging finance” to SMEs unable to meet wage bills ahead of JobKeeper relief
Major banks will offer a lifeline to businesses struggling to keep staff on ahead of being accepted into the JobKeeper program.
GST turnover explained: How to pass the JobKeeper eligibility test
Here's what you need to know to pass the JobKeeper test. What is GST turnover? Which month's revenue do I need to use? We've got some answers for you.
JobKeeper applications now open: Here’s how to apply
JobKeeper applications are now open - find out where to apply, how and everything else you need to know to access the $1,500 fortnightly payments.
JobKeeper package could now offer relief to pre-revenue startups
The government’s $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy package may now offer some support to pre-revenue startups, as new eligibility criteria is revealed.
JobKeeper applications open April 20, as ATO works to clarify eligibility criteria
The ATO will open applications for JobKeeper wage subsidies on April 20, amid ongoing efforts to provide more clarity about eligibility for the payments.
JobKeeper eligibility explained: Everything we know so far about applying for wage subsidies
The JobKeeper package has now passed parliament. Here's everything we know about eligibility requirements for businesses, employees and sole traders.
The JobKeeper package isn’t perfect, but will it be effective?
In ordinary times, there wouldn’t be a lot of support for a $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy. But these aren’t ordinary times.