SMEs are usually faced with a conundrum when it comes to the business of number-crunching. Are the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant…

SMEs are usually faced with a conundrum when it comes to the business of number-crunching. Are the services of a bookkeeper or an accountant…
Is sales training worth the bother? Not if sales management is not up to it. What impact does attending a sales training program have on…
JIM DOWNEY from JP Downey & Co has the answers. “How do I know if my company has real cash flow problems?”Jim Downey answers: Most busi…
US productivity out of Australia’s reachAustralia will probably never reach the productivity levels achieved in the US, and it is unrealis…
Sumo Salad made a big hit with its web video viral marketing campaign. Founder Luke Baylis tells JACQUI WALKER how it all came about. By Ja…
A new way to make TV advertising on the cheapTelevision advertising is expensive. Too expensive for most SMEs, but it reaches mass audiences…
Tired of waiting for customers to cough up my money, I’ve devised a few financial Heimlich manoeuvres. The one thing I hated the mo…
Sometimes you can make more money by cutting your charges. How does that work? Let’s do the maths. I had an interesting experien…
When disaster threatened, it was Six Sigma to the rescue. Thanks, Six Sigma. Conference call: problem solvedA few weeks ago I received a d…
Last time I hired a scooter, I didn’t pay a deposit or show ID. Was the owner mad or has he worked out what’s worth worrying about? Fe…
Economic outlook lifts – but what about interest rates? National account figures released yesterday paint a positive picture of the econom…
Want to attract big investment dollars to your business? ED PRENDERGAST tells what investment fund managers are looking for. I’m the chie…