If your business is turning over more than $2 million and you need a new server, then you need to act quickly before it is too late to deter…

If your business is turning over more than $2 million and you need a new server, then you need to act quickly before it is too late to deter…
Because IT equipment is one of the most important business tools, some smart purchases are always a good idea. Now that we’re almost into th…
There can only be one IT topic to discuss this week, and it has to be the shock announcement by Kevin Rudd on the biggest investment in infr…
The National Broadband Network plan is good for all smart companies. It is a highly ambitious plan that will fundamentally change people’s b…
In short, yes – all businesses can claim the special 30% tax break for purchases of IT equipment. If your turnover is less than $2 milli…
Have you ever tried to get support on your custom business application from your IT guy? My clients need assistance at all sorts of level…
Over the past few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people with great new business ideas. One theme we keep coming back to is …
Running an IT system can be a headache. Few small businesses can afford the luxury of a dedicated IT department or Help Desk, but they still…
Six years ago the writer Nicholas Carr stated: “IT doesn’t matter”. His point was that IT is becoming pervasive, just like electricity an…
The world’s biggest software producer says economic conditions will be rough through at least the next 12 months, and plays down claims it w…
Setting up good systems is a complex proposition that takes time and costs money. If you don’t spend the money, it will cost you more in t…
Are your sales efforts aimed at the right sectors? As the Australian economy hurtles towards recession, veteran business watcher and IBISWor…