The darlings of Silicon Valley haven’t been doing so well. Fresh after Apple released its disappointing quarterly results, shares in social …

The darlings of Silicon Valley haven’t been doing so well. Fresh after Apple released its disappointing quarterly results, shares in social …
Today IT underpins many new initiatives, whether they are in online retail, e-health services, the finance world or any other industry. When…
One of the keys to success for a software platform is its ecosphere – the community of developers, consultants and advocates that grows ar…
The overwhelming priority for any business is to have systems that work. New features, platforms and applications can drive competitive …
It happens time and time again. An exciting new technology emerges and takes your industry by storm. Soon enough, your IT guys are calle…
This article first appeared on February 12, 2008. Dear Aunty B, My business is nearing 12 months old and I’ve learnt a truck load, parti…
Microsoft has just announced that Windows 8 will be available from October 26 and this week also released their preview edition of Office 20…
Microsoft’s products are at the heart of many business infrastructures, making the company’s plans important news. Last week, Toronto ho…
We know IT can be a game-changer for companies that know how to exploit it, but if in our business we just use computers for email, web brow…
This Aunty B classic first appeared on September 12, 2007. Dear Aunty B, Dad wants a job. Should I hire him? I run a cool software com…
This article first appeared on February 20, 2008. Dear Aunty B, We have always had an open drawer attitude to petty cash (though it gets lo…
This article first appeared on June 6, 2008. Help me Aunty B, We’re preparing a tender for a city council at the moment to be on their des…