Changing the auto-lock time in iOS can be a big battery saver, especially if you’ve set the screen to just stay on all the time. To …
Changing the auto-lock time in iOS can be a big battery saver, especially if you’ve set the screen to just stay on all the time. To …
Ever wanted to check how much time you’ve used on your iPhone since your last charge? You may not want to use it all the time, but i…
When Apple launched the iPhone 5, it announced that it was replacing the original iPhone 30-pin dock connector with a new “lightning” co…
If you’re using an iPhone, then you’re probably used to the fact that by now iCloud is downloading all your different purchases to every…
Google has issued a major update to its Google Maps service in the aftermath of Apple’s release of its own mapping service, although Austral…
While Apple users have long been known for their loyalty to their favourite electronics giant’s products, a new survey sheds some light on h…
It’s been three years now since Melbourne entrepreneur Robert Murray launched a humble iOS game that rocketed both himself and his company…
I have started an online retail site that is fairly flashy. I’m now confronting the issue that we want customers to make purchases via the…
Google’s liberal policies towards the Android platform and its Google Play store have come under fire, both from app developers who allege r…
The next generation iPhone will be unveiled on September 12 in the United States, with a release to follow on September 21, according to a n…
The Australian Olympic Committee has released an official Team Australia app for the 2012 London Olympic Games. In a reflection of the ch…
A new patent filed by Apple puts the iPhone at the centre of a user’s household, with the ability to control other types of electronics in…