The ripple effect of investing in women in practice Opinion Nikki Tugano 8 March 2024 Following the release of last week's gender pay gap report by WGEA, SeenCulture hosted an IWD event to discuss the ripple effect of investing in women.
“Mirrors the actual picture”: Burning Heroes awards celebrate women-led businesses Entrepreneurs Brianna Boecker 19 February 2024 Burning Heroes is the first startup awards created by founders for founders and first began in 2022.
Women-led startups and businesses can add $44 billion to the nation’s economy Economy Stephanie Gardiner 19 September 2023 Australia could add $44 billion to the economy if it invested equally in female-led startups and businesses, Queensland's chief entrepreneur says.
Stop and pay attention: The (un)surprising commercial value of women Economy Elaine Stead 24 August 2023 Between Barbie, Beyonce and Taylor Swift tours, these three juggernauts alone have made a $9 billion economic impact, writes Elaine Stead.