G-Star was back in the Federal Court this week fighting a trademark and copyright infringement claim against Toast Sales in the latest in a …

G-Star was back in the Federal Court this week fighting a trademark and copyright infringement claim against Toast Sales in the latest in a …
This article first appeared on February 12, 2008. Dear Aunty B, My business is nearing 12 months old and I’ve learnt a truck load, parti…
This article first appeared on July 15, 2011. What constitutes ‘prior use’ of a trademark? I have applied to register a trademark in Aust…
This article first appeared on June 6, 2008. Help me Aunty B, We’re preparing a tender for a city council at the moment to be on their des…
Sporting goods retailer Paul’s Warehouse has been back in court with the Federal Court finding the retailer’s importation of Lonsdale brande…
Granola is back on the menu at cafes around Australia after a small Victorian bakery emerged victorious from a legal dispute as to whether a…
Tim is an IT consultant. Every week enthusiastic potential customers seek him out with a range of problems he can solve and, of course, the …
Two more family food businesses have collapsed with both smallgoods producer San Marino and confectioner Black Opal Licorice advertising sal…
The path to being a mumpreneur appears in different ways. Sometimes we are solving a burning problem that has irritated us enough to s…
The number of intellectual property lawsuits being filed by major tech companies could prevent future entrepreneurs from achieving success, …
Researchers can now explore new ideas without the threat of patent infringement, the Federal Government says, after new intellectual propert…
Long-awaited amendments to Australia’s intellectual property laws might speed up the resolution of disputes but could also increase costs …