Facebook Home has gained the attention of early adopters, with the alternative Android smartphone interface and launcher having been downloa…

Facebook Home has gained the attention of early adopters, with the alternative Android smartphone interface and launcher having been downloa…
Are you using the Instagram app as a marketing tool for your business and want more followers? It is essential that you hash tag everythi…
A Polaroid-style Instagram camera that will allow users to apply filters to happy snaps, and print them out on the spot, should be available…
It’s no secret that the Aussie Olympians dropped the ball in the pool in London last year (apologies for the mixed metaphor). With several o…
It’s been a while since the tech industry has seen a massive takeover deal, but this weekend delivered: cloud-storage group Dropbox agreed t…
There were 2.4 billion internet users recorded in 2012. That is enough to change the world we live in, and it has. Social outreach and s…
The co-founder of Facebook-owned photo-sharing platform Instagram has outlined key reasons for the company’s success, after hitting 100 mi…
The co-founder of Facebook-owned photo-sharing platform Instagram has outlined key reasons for the company’s success, after hitting 100 mi…
Now, a little more than two weeks since its launch, you might know Vine, the latest social media app in Twitter’s stable, as “that GIF porn …
Those SMEs who have decided social media is too much hassle or haven’t got around to setting up a social media presence need to take note …
The importance of mobile search for businesses has been highlighted by Etsy’s latest acquisition of the photo collage app Mixel for an und…
Social photography service Instagram has managed to lose half of its daily users in just one month. According to data from AppStats, repub…