Effective marketing is one of the most important tools a small business can use on to grow their business, so it should come as no surprise …

Effective marketing is one of the most important tools a small business can use on to grow their business, so it should come as no surprise …
Amid the proliferation of social media platforms, how do you know which ones your business should be using?
Maintaining a presence across…
Photo sharing platform Instagram has experienced stunning success in a short period of time. However, co-founder and chief technology office…
What if I told you Instagram culture isn’t new? It seems everyone, all around us, is capturing their lives and curating these moments to g…
Facebook, Netflix and Instagram are among the brands most positively perceived by millennials in Australia, according to the latest YouGov B…
Brands familiar with Snapchat and Instagram marketing will soon be able to apply that same know-how to Facebook, with the social media platf…
There are now two million monthly advertisers on Instagram, with growth having soared over the course of the year as businesses increasingly…
By Emma Koehn and Angela Castles
Instagram hit 9 million active Australian users in August. In the brand awareness stakes, that’s a lot o…
The latest advertisement for underwear brand Berlei has been rejected by Facebook and Instagram for not fitting with the social media platfo…
Australia’s advertising watchdog has ruled a product review post from an “influencer” on Instagram meets the definition of advertising…
It’s no secret Kmart fans are competitive bargain hunters, but branding experts say small businesses should take note of the discount depart…
A social platform like Instagram can be a big sales-maker for businesses, letting them show off their wares or services to a potentially hug…