Rental yields up, house prices down, and holiday homes on the chopping block; that’s the future for the property market according to some …

Rental yields up, house prices down, and holiday homes on the chopping block; that’s the future for the property market according to some …
Australian sharemarkets have leapt 3% higher this morning following last night’s US Federal Reserve decision to cut rates there by 0.75%.T…
WA’s population growth, and unfilled job vacancies, is outstripping the nation’s. I’ve got to wonder if Adam Gilchrist started the trend. TI…
Declining profits and rising wage costs are causing business owners to be pessimistic about their prospects, according to two new surveys re…
As I write, Wall Street has been falling away and there is fear that the light at the end of the tunnel is an express train. If you see the …
Building approval figures for January released today suggest rising interest rates are starting to bite on the housing sector.The number of …
Will the Federal Government’s ambitious tax-break plan for property investors in low-income housing work? For years I have railed against re…
A shortage of skilled construction workers presents a key hurdle to the success of a beefed-up housing affordability scheme announced by Pri…
The first signs that the housing market may be softening in response to volatile economic conditions are being seen in the coastal property …
An improved outlook for regional Australia is forecast in the latest ANZ Regional and Rural Quarterly report released today.The report says …
The market has continued its dismal slide today, down 2.1% to 5530.6 by 12.30pm. The market is spooked after the US Federal Reserve chairman…
The Dutch ING bank has developed a scheme to drum up new business by helping potential buyers approach the owners of homes they have admired…