The willingness of the TPG-led consortium to bet its equity on Asciano’s infrastructure assets and of Solomon Lew to buy Just Group are en…

The willingness of the TPG-led consortium to bet its equity on Asciano’s infrastructure assets and of Solomon Lew to buy Just Group are en…
New data released this morning from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has confirmed the bad news about the housing market, with prices fal…
If firms with less than 10 employees were given access to tax credits for genuine investment in new technology and venture capital funds for…
If you have children or grandchildren who are struggling to buy a home (or perhaps you have children who won’t leave home), then take a cl…
Property research company Australian Property Monitors has predicted house prices will fall 10% across the nation in the next 12 months as a…
Australia’s housing sector isn’t well. But compared to the US, it is a positive picture of robust health. Australia’s housing sector …
Houses prices fall for two main reasons. First, where demand has been reduced – usually the largest factor determining this is reduced inc…
Business confidence is expected to fall to its lowest level since 2000 in September as consumer nerves, high fuel and food costs and sharema…
Just says after NAB shocked the market by announcing $830 million of writedowns, ANZ has announced $1.2 billion of provisions and revealed i…
Parents are increasingly having to get out the crowbar to pry their Gen-Y kids out of home, with new research showing the number of young Au…
A series of events over the last few days have lead me to believe that the wonderful rally we have seen in Australian shares is overdone. It…
A great reversal of fortunes is underway in Australia’s housing market, with changing dynamics creating an unlikely new list of property w…