The chief economist at ANZ Bank, Saul Eslake, has provided a ray of sunshine for property owners with his bold pronouncement that Australia …

The chief economist at ANZ Bank, Saul Eslake, has provided a ray of sunshine for property owners with his bold pronouncement that Australia …
The Rudd Government is planning a multi-billion cash handout to consumers in a bid to lift consumer spending before Christmas and prevent Au…
One of the big questions we are getting asked here at SmartCompany is: What stage of the downturn are we at? One of the big questions we a…
The co-ordinated 0.5% rate cut announced overnight by the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, including even the European Central Ba…
How the crisis is unfolding, and the technical reasons behind the bailout. LOUIS COUTTS By Louis CouttsBecause of quite a bit of feedback a…
The Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has offered some relief to struggling non-bank mortgage lenders by announcing it will inject $4 billion int…
New figures from the Reserve Bank of Australia reveal that the mortgage stress is hitting the suburbs hard. New figures from the Reserve Ba…
Australia has welcomed almost 200,000 migrants in the last 12 months as companies around the nation try desperately to fill skills gaps. A…
Real estate decisions should be made on a seven to 10-year time scale, so our current market place looks more like a landscape of good buyin…
Barney Frank, the Democrat chairman of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee, is giving Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke a…
Last night in his prepared remarks to the US Senate Banking Committee, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said: “The downturn in the ho…
It appears free market capitalism has taken a back seat to economic socialism. For the next 30 days, perhaps it is wise to exercise the “get…