There are plenty of differing opinions about how far in we are, and how long we have to go, before the light appears at the end of this down…

There are plenty of differing opinions about how far in we are, and how long we have to go, before the light appears at the end of this down…
Economists have been shocked by a 12.8% slump in building approvals for November 2008 and say the poor state of the housing sector could be …
The current slump in economic activity really frustrates politicians, whether they be from Australia, the US or Europe. Everyone is turning …
There are several key elements affecting the overall economy, and the stability or otherwise of each can be integral to your business’s vi…
Almost 60% of home owners expect the value of their homes to fall in the next three months, according to a new survey from the Mortgage and …
Car retailing, investment banking, bricklaying and catering will be some of the industries most at risk during 2009, according to a new repo…
The US Federal Reserve has set key interest rates to a record low zero to 0.25% in a desperate bid to kickstart the world’s biggest econom…
Bluestone Group, which made its name as one of the leading providers of loans to customers with poor credit histories, has managed to increa…
The most remarkable thing in the US Federal Reserve’s statement this morning was not the cut in the cash rate target to near zero, althoug…
The final big weekend of auctions across Australia may have ended with a whimper, but that hasn’t stopped billionaire property developer L…
Finally some good news for the property sector, with residential property showing signs of starting something of a comeback. Finally some …
The long process of reforming Australia’s tax system has begun, with the leader of the review, Treasury Secretary Ken Henry, suggesting ma…