Businesses have been warned to become familiar with the Government’s new Fair Work regime, as unions prepare a litigation fund to help test …

Businesses have been warned to become familiar with the Government’s new Fair Work regime, as unions prepare a litigation fund to help test …
Good news for employers. Employees working in Australia’s small companies are increasingly choosing to stay with their employers. Volunta…
Employers are looking at their wage bill in horror as demand falls and their businesses are stagnating – but they are reluctant to cut staff…
Internet giant Google is working on a database that will determine which of its 20,000 employees are the most likely to leave the company, a…
With employers increasingly concerned about their obligations to employees on termination of employment, particularly in cases of redundancy…
Surf and sports retailer Billabong will embark on a share sale to raise $290 million, after the sluggish retail environment forced it to low…
We’ve just had to make a member of our sales team redundant. What do I tell the other members of the team, and how do I keep them focused an…
The key thing to start with is you have to be brutally honest about how the business is placed. This has nothing to do with Gen-Y. It has…
There are signs the pace of decline in the Australian labour market is slowing, according to the SEEK indicators for April. The slower ra…
Training companies that advertise “job guaranteed” had better watch out. The ACCC has just taken action against Melbourne-based Zano…
Dear Aunt,
I am a great fan of your advice column. I have a problem.
I have a background in sales. My business has taken …
Sorry, but it’s hard to believe at a time when jobs might be at risk that there could be people at work who are bored, and allow it to be kn…